class Xls::Worksheet::Row

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Xls::InspectableMethods

inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance Method Detail

def cells : Array(Cell) #

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def first_cell_index : UInt16 #

Returns the index to the column of the first cell which is described by a cell record

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def height : Height #

Returns the height of the row (represented as Xls::Worksheet::Row::Height), in twips = 1/20 of a point

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def index #

Returns the index of this Xls::Worksheet::Row in the Xls::Worksheet

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def last_cell_index : UInt16 #

Returns the index to the column of the last cell which is described by a cell record, increased by 1

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def to_unsafe #

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def xf(spreadsheet : Spreadsheet) : Spreadsheet::Xf #

Returns Xls::Spreadsheet::Xf for column formatting

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def xf_index : UInt16 #

Returns index to Xls::Spreadsheet::Xf

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