class Xls::Spreadsheet


A Xls::Spreadsheet represents the document and contains metadata.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Xls::InspectableMethods

inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Constructor Detail

def : Path) #

Creates a new Xls::Spreadsheet by providing a filepath

Throws Xls::FileNotFound if the filepath cannot be found.

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def : String) #

Creates a new Xls::Spreadsheet by providing a string

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def : IO) #

Creates a new Xls::Spreadsheet by providing an IO

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Class Method Detail

def self.debugging(enable = true, value : UInt32 = 1) : Nil #

Toggles debug mode for libxls

value controls different types of debugging information.

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def, & : Spreadsheet -> ) #

Yields a new Xls::Spreadsheet by providing a filepath or string or IO

Calls #validate! on the newly created Xls::Spreadsheet.

Always invokes #close after yielding.

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def self.open_file(path : Path, charset : String = "UTF-8") #

Creates a new Xls::Spreadsheet by opening a file

charset can be an encoding other than UTF-8.

Throws Xls::FileNotFound if the filepath cannot be found.

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def self.xls_version : String #

Returns libxls version

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Instance Method Detail

def active_worksheet : Worksheet? #

Returns the active (displayed) worksheet

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def charset : String #

Returns the encoding of the spreadsheet

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def close : Nil #

Closes the Xls::Spreadsheet and any Xls::Worksheet's

Once a Xls::Spreadsheet is closed, it cannot be reopened in the same instance. You must create a new Xls::Spreadsheet instance to reopen it.

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def closed? : Bool #

Checks if the Xls::Spreadsheet is closed

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def codepage : UInt16 #

Returns the text encoding used to write byte strings, stored as MS Windows code page identifier

For more information see

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def css : String #

Returns CSS for spreadsheet

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def doc_summary : String #

Returns the Document Summary of the spreadsheet

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def fonts : Array(Font) #

Returns information about a used font, including character formatting

All FONT records occur together in a sequential list. Other records referencing a FONT record contain an index into this list.

The font with index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions. This means the first four fonts have zero-based indexes, and the fifth font and all following fonts are refereced with one-based indexes. Use Xls::Spreadsheet::Font#real_index to access this particular sequence.

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def formats : Array(Format) #

Returns information about a number format

All FORMAT records occur together in a sequential list.

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def summary : String #

Returns the Summary of the spreadsheet

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(Xls::LibXls::XlsWorkBook) #

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def validate! : Nil #

Validates the spreadsheet

Can only be called once.

Throws Xls::Error if spreadsheet is invalid.

Throws Xls::WorkbookParserException if spreadsheet failed to parse.

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def worksheets : Array(Worksheet) #

Returns worksheets for the spreadsheet

Throws Xls::WorksheetParserException if a worksheet failed to parse.

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def xfs : Array(Xf) #

Returns formatting information for cells, rows, columns or styles

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